Articles are invited for the July 2025 issues of the GeoChronicle Panorama (student -teacher relevant publication with public outreach) and Journal of Geointerface (research journal).

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) Assignment to our journal- ISSN:2583-6900
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Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
1. Integrated spatio-temporal analysis of coastal shoreline dynamics of Kozhikode district, southwest India, using remote sensing and Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)          Arun P.R. 1∗,
Muhamed Bin Rahman K.1,
Sreeja R.2,
Thanooja P.V.1,
Megha S.B.3,

1 Centre for Water Resources Development and Management,
Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode 673 571, Kerala, India

2 Department of Geology, University of Calicut,
Thenhipalam 673 635, Kerala, India

3 Department of PG Studies and Research in Geology, MES Ponnani College,
Ponnani, Malappuram 679 586, Kerala, India

Received: 20 October 2024
Revised: 20 November 2024
Accepted: 28 December 2024


COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
1. Assessment of Stream Water Quality in parts of Sangareddy and Medak Districts, Telangana: Insights for Drinking, Agricultural, and Industrial Requirements          Janmejaya Sahoo∗,
A K Sahoo,
M Anbu
2. Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) Indexed Indian Earth and Planetary Science Journals: An Infometric Analysis and Visualization          V. R. Renjith,1∗,
R. S. Prasanth 2,
A. P. Pradeepkumar 3
3. Geodynamic Model for the Formation of Neoproterozoic A-type Granites in the Western Yangtze Block, China          Awei Mabi 25–28
4. Evaluation of Groundwater Quality in Thrissur Urban Area, Kerala, Southern India          Yaseen Ali Salih,
E. Shaji
5. Molluscan Shell Dissolution from the Poovar Region, Arabian Sea Coast, India: Implications on Environmental Health          Aswathy S.R.1,
Aromal S.B.1,
Brahmadathan S.D.1,
Gayathri R.1,
Mohammed Hathif A.1,
Sambu S.R.1,
Sreegowri G.M.1,
Mohammed Noohu Nazeer 1∗
6. Preconcentration of Placer Critical Minerals from Red Sand Dunes          Bhima Rao Raghupatruni
7. Premonsoon Groundwater Quality of Keonjhar Urban Area for Drinking and Domestic Use          Bhagyashree Sahoo,
Durga Shankar Pattanaik
8. Sources of ore-forming fluid related to uranium mineralization in the Jahaz deposit, North Delhi Fold Belt, India: Inferences from carbon and oxygen isotopic studies          Priyanka Mishra1,
Rajagopal Krishnamurthi 3,
A.P. Kushwaha2,
S.K. Sharma3
9. Mineralogy of carbonatite-breccia: Amba Dongar carbonatite diatreme, Gujarat, India          Jan Schulzki1,
Shrinivas G. Viladkar 2,
Helmut Schleicher 1
10. Holocene coastal wetland evolution in a tropical ecosystem: Sedimentary archives from South Kerala, India          Divya Murali 1
Rajesh Reghunath1,
Shitha Kannichankandy1,
Ravi Bhushan2,
K. Anoop Krishnan3
11. Late Pliocene variability of the Agulhas Current: Planktic foraminiferal records from southwest Indian Ocean          Rahul Dwivedi 1,
Vikram Pratap Singh 1,
Shivani Pathak 1,
Kirti Ranjan Mallick 2,
Pravat Kumar Nayak2

12. Earth System Science Panorama. B. Mishra 113

13. List of reviewers contributing to Volume 3, 2024 A.P. Pradeepkumar 123

14. CEHESH Award Notification,2024 CEHESH TRUST OF INDIA 124


COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
1. Hydrogeochemical characterisation of groundwater along the alluvial and lateritic zones of Northern Kerala, India.          Arjun P,
Jesiya N,
Girish Gopinath,∗,
Resmi T R,
Swetha T V
2. Centennial Assessment of Anthropogenically-Driven Land Use/Land Cover Transformations in a Tropical River Basin, India.          Sabu Joseph1,∗,
Prince George,
Sheela, A. M.,
Jibitha J B

3. Environmental Forces Shaping Settlement and Subsistence of Ancient Civilization: Tracing the Patterns in Marayoor, Western Ghats, India.          Cutuvam Kumaran Baiju,
Balakrishnan Nair Ajaykumar ∗,
Mohanachandran Nair Shyleshchandran

4. Digital Stratigraphic Lexicon of the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India.          D. S. N. Raju,
Mamallapalli O’Neil,∗,
A. Nallapa Reddy

5. Copper slag: An alternative raw material for the cement industry.          Arunachala Sadangi

6. Radar-based urban detection of Greater Cochin Development Area (GCDA), the queen of Arabian sea, Kerala, India.          Sumith Satheendran S.

7. Decadal (2013–2022) Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of the Journal of Geological Society of India and Insights into Post-Covid Publication Behaviour.          Renjith V R,∗,
Prasanth R S,
Rajesh S,
Pradeepkumar A P

8. Proximate Analysis of Bituminous Coals from Various Gondwana Basins of India: A Comparative Study.          Vikram Pratap Singh,∗,
Rahul Dwivedi1,
Shivani Pathak,
Kirti Ranjan Mallick,
Pravat Kumar Nayak

9. Petrographic and textural studies of the Bayyaram Iron ore prospect, eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: implications for ore genesis          A. Mahesh1,
V.V. Sesha Sai2,∗,
B. Srinivas

10. Assessment of the air quality in and around Joda Iron ore mining, Keonjhar District, Odisha          Sunita Pradhan,
Madhumita Das


11. Earth System Science Panorama. B. Mishra 116–121
12. Upcoming Conferences A.P. Pradeepkumar 122

13. OBITUARY        B.Mishra and


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Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

1. Semi-circular, shallow depressions of enigmatic origin as possible indicators of hydrogen venting activity: five established examples and a possible discovery in Central America David T. King, Jr.*, Richard A. Esposito, Jr. 1
2. Contrast in deformational structures between the north western and northern margin of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt Y.K Singh*, Sneha Mojumder,
Pujalini Behera,
Sukumar Biswal,
Anubhab Chatterjee,Siba Sankar Bishoyi,
T.K Biswa
3. Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentation: A case study within Late Cretaceous Garu damangalam Sandstone Formation, Ariyalur, South India Nivedita Chakraborty* 25
4. Facilitating water security through aquifer based groundwater management in a typical river basin in the hard rock terrain of Peninsular India Mini Chandran*, Mohanavelu Senthilkumar, Nandakumaran P, Raj Kishor Mohanty,Sreenath G, Saritha S 35
5. Delineating the hydrostratigraphic units, hydrogeological boundaries and disposition of the multilayered aquifer system of Gundar river basin, Southern India through groundwater exploration techniques Raj Kishor Mohanty* ,Mini Chandran, K Paramasivam 45
6. Flood simulation in parts of Cuttack city using space inputs Bhagyashree Sahoo, Santiswarup Sahoo*, Jitunandan Pradhan, Bhabani Shankar Sethi 53
7. Strategic assessment of copper reserves in India: A framework for resource planning Janmejaya Sahoo*, Israil Khan 59
8. A novel approach to supplement plant growth with devotional music: An experimental research on Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Swami Yugal Sharan, Shreerup Goswami*, Pranab Kumar Ghosh, Lalit Kumar Barik, Rajdeep Kumar Saw 69
9. Geospatial analysis of land use and land cover around iron ore mine near Balda village of Keonjhar district of Odisha using remote sensing satellite data Prithwiraj Sahu*, D.M. Kumawat, Gourikishore Tripathy 77

10. Earth System Science Panorama. B. Mishra 85

11. GEOHERITAGE Calendar        97
12. CEHESH TRUST OF INDIA Awards - 2023        111
13. Seminars/Workshop and Events - 2024        113


COVER PAGE                                            


Section I
Topic Author Page
Preface A.P. Pradeepkumar i-ii
From the desk of the Patron B. Mishra iii-v
Section II

Correlation between Joint Strikes and Stream Orientation in Seismically Active Regions:
A Case Study Near 2001 Bhuj Earthquake Zone, Gujarat, India
Siba Sundar Sahu* 01-07
Identification of Erosion Prone Areas around
Mining Regions using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique:
A Case Study of Dipka, Gevra and Kusmunda Coal Complex, Chhattisgarh, India
Hitesh Malagar,
Ramkamal Bani,
Manoj Kumar Sahu*,
Bhaskar Prasad,
Bhargava Kumar Iyengar,
Tanveer Haidar
Energy Dependence on Fossil Fuels and the Need for Unconventional Energy in India Bankim Mahanta*,
Uditangshu Chakraborty,
Kailash Chandra Sahoo,
Prasanta Kumar Mishra
Geographic Skew in Disaster Research based on Bibliometric Analysis and Information
Visualization of a High-Impact Journal
V. R. Renjith,
R. S. Prasanth*,
J. K. Joseph,
K. Akhildev,
A.P. Pradeepkumar
Geogenic Arsenic in Groundwater in India- A short review Rudra Mohan Pradhan*
and Ajit Kumar Behera
Distribution of Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages in the Surface Sediments of the Manakudy Estuary, Kanyakumari District, Southeast Coast of India P. S. Shiny*,
K. Jisha,
D. R. Sherly
and M. Suresh Gandhi
Geophysical Techniques to Delineate Saline and Fresh water aquifers in the Coastal stretch of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India Annmaria K. George,
M. Suresh Gandhi*,
M. Muthukumar
Gold Deposits: A Brief Review Ajit Kumar Sahoo*,
Rajagopal Krishnamurthi,
Prabhakar Sangurmath
Evaluation of textural characteristics and their associated environments in the core sediments of Muttukadu backwaters, Tamil Nadu, India Emiliya Joy,
Alan Rose,
M Suresh Gandhi*,
G S Gayathri
Section III

Earth System Science Panorama           B. Mishra 99-111
Section IV

Upcoming Conference and Meetings        R.M. Pradhan 112


COVER PAGE                                            


Section I
Topic Author Page
From the desk of the Editor-in-Chief B. Mishra 1-5
Section II

Paragenetic conditions of concretions in the Neogene clastic sediments
of NW Borneo: Evidence from morphological, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data
R. Nagarajan*, R. Sharveen,
Abdulmajid Ali,
F.L. Kessler,
John Jong, P.D. Roy and S. Srinivasalu
Assessment of Ground Water Quality to Identify the Hydrogeochemical Processes in the
Marakkanam Region of Tamilnadu, India
Abiya Lukose,
M. Suresh Gandhi*,
Selvin Shyam Paul,
and Gowtham. B
Uranium Geology, Resources and Production in India- A Review A.K. Sarangi* 34-43
Spatial analysis of Biomass Cover status around an Iron ore mine in the Kalimati forest area
of the Joda mining circle of Keonjhar district by using the NDVI application
Prithwiraj Sahu* and DM Kumawat* 44-50
A New Method of Utilization of Mining Waste as an Aggregate Arunachala Sadangi* and Pranav Desai 51-56
Utilisation potential of Low-Grade Siliceous Manganese ore from Balangir district, Odisha, India Rabinarayan Muduli, Somnath Khaoash* and Patitapaban Mishra 57-61
Asteroids: Origin, Distribution and Relation to Meteorites Surya Snata Rout* 62-70
Section III

A Linguistic Guide for Field Investigations of the Cretaceous Outcrops of Ariyalur Area,
Cauvery Basin, Southern India.
R. Nagendra*, A. Nallapa Reddy and
Gobala Krishnan
Section IV

Earth System Science Panorama        B. Mishra 74-95
Section V

Recipient Page
National Award for Environment Protection                                             Sj Ramesh Chandra Mishra 96


COVER PAGE                                            


Topic Author Page
From The Desk of the Editor-in Chief                                                                   B.Mishra      1

Section I

Peer - reviewed research and review articles
Ground water contamination –A Review B.K.Sahu 2-7
Rock Magnetic Properties of a Paleolake Sedimentary sequence,Binta Basin, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India M. Venkateshwarlu and
N.Ramesh Babu P
Response of living benthicforaminifera to environmental variables in the Anchuthengu estuary, Kerala Jeshma. P,
Suresh Gandhi,
R. Tharun and
A. Nallapa Reddy
Morphometric analysis of twomilli- watersheds in Deccan Volcanic Province of Dangs District, Gujarat, India. Chinmay U. Dongare*,
Shriti Mukherjee
and Bhushan S. Deota
Infrared spectroscopic study of charnockite hosted bauxite and associated litho-units from Salem district, Tamil Nadu. Binod Kumar Parida,
Somnath Khaoash and
Patitapaban Mishra
Comparision of Clinker characteristics including the Heavy Metal Concentration with and without the use of alternative Fuels Arunachala Sadangi and
Pranav Desai
Snowball Earth: A Critical Review on Neoproterozoic Glaciation Nivedita Chakraborty 50-56
Geospatial Tools and Techniques for Ground Water Management: A Review Ch. Sree Lakshmi Pavani,
T. Ranga Vital and
Sheikha Haleem
Textural characteristics of Sediments of the lower reaches of the Vellar River, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India Ramkumar.T*,
Vigneshwar.J, and
Myth of Chromium Pollution from Chromite Mines with reference to Sukinda. (How Green isthe Sukinda Valley?) K.C.Sahu 78-82
Potential for subsurface complex impact structures as sites for carbon sequestration David T. King, Jr. 83-92
Size-segregation and distribution of organic aerosol in different Industrial areas of Raipur region Shobhana Ramteke,
Bharat Lal Sahu*,
Sandhya Savita,
Bijnaneswar Mondal,
Khageshwar Singh Patel,
Hong Ren and
Pingqing Fu
Understanding planetary formation in the early solar system Swarna Prava Das,
Guneshwar Thangjam, and
Surya Snata Rout
Section II

Earth System Science Panorama Compilation and Revampification            B.Mishra    115-137
Section III

Recipient Page
GEO-EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2022 - ACCREDITATION                                             Dr David T .King Jr 138
YOUTH AWARD FOR ACADEMIC DISTINCTION, 2022 - ACCREDITATION                                             Dr.Nivedita Chakraborty 139