Articles are invited for the July 2025 issues of the GeoChronicle Panorama (student -teacher relevant publication with public outreach) and Journal of Geointerface (research journal).

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) Assignment to our journal- ISSN:2583-6900
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COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

1. Vermiculite: Nature's Versatile Mineral K.N Prakash Narasimha and Vishwanath R 1-7
2. Optimal Rock Properties, Natural and Modified, for Civil Engineering Applications R. Nagendra 8-10
3. Significance of fluorosis and its effect on the human body: A case study from Salem district of Tamil Nadu State, India D. Venkatesan and M. Suresh Gandhi 11-19
4. Stromatolites: The living relics of Earth’s Beginning Nipa Sen 20-28
5. Understanding Seismology: The Science of Earthquakes KS Mohanty 29-33
6. The Interplay of Climate Change and Economic Growth In India: The Role of Carbon Sequestration Antarjeeta Nayak 34-39
7. Quest for a Geologic Heritage Girija Prasad Mohapatra 40-42
8. Cloud Seeding: A Boon or Bane? Madhumita Das 43-45
9. RAGI (Finger millet): Nature’s Amazing Gift to human race – Sustainable, Climate resilient, Nutritious and Delicious choice B. Mishra 46-48
10. Earth Science Education on Cross Road in India K.C.Sahu 49-52

9. Earth System Science Panorama. B. Mishra 53-57

10. CEHESH Award Notification        CEHESH TRUST OF INDIA 58-60

11. Profile of a Geo-Icon        CEHESH TRUST OF INDIA 61-64


COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

1. Konark Temple of Odisha: Some Geological Aspects of This Grand Heritage Girija Prasad Mohapatra 01
2. The Human Face of Water K. C. Sahu 12
3. Geomagnetic field of Earth and its relation to the liquid outer core Rupan Roy 18
4. Banded Iron Formations and Their Economic Prospects with Special Reference to India Saptarshi Banerjee 24
5. Geographical Information System (GIS): New Age Soft Skill to Geoscience Education Jitunandan Pradhan and Bhabani Shankar Sethi 37
6. Earth: The Grandeurs of Planetary Environment K. C. Sahu 43
7. Effects of trace elements on the critical functioning of human health R. Nagendra and A. Nallapa Reddy 46
8. An Overview of Happy Hormones: Implications to the Physical and Mental Health B. Mishra and S. Mishra 52

9. Earth System Science Panorama. B. Mishra 56

10. Geo heritage Calendar        68
11. CEHESH TRUST OF INDIA Awards-2023        82
12. Seminars / Workshop and events-2024        84


COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
Preface           A.P. Pradeepkumar i
From the desk of the Patron          B. Mishra ii

1. Geoheritage and Geotourism in Odisha G.P. Mohapatra 1-9
2. Metallogeny of Iron with Special Reference to Odisha R.N. Sar 10-22
3. Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources B.K.Sahu 23-26
4. Geoscience to Geosense – A Basic Education. K.C.Sahu 27-35
5. Microfossil proxies; an Insight to the Deep in Age,
Environment and Petroleum Exploration
R. Nagendra and A.N. Reddy* 36-40
6. Water Provenance and Management A. Rout 41-49

9. Earth System Science Panorama B. Mishra 50

10. Seminars / Workshop and events-2022        51


COVER PAGE                                            


Sl. No. Title Author(s) Page No.
1 Prelude         
2 Message from the Advisor           Mr. Sisir Chandra Rath
Former Director General
Geological Survey of India
3 Message from the President, Geological Society of India          Dr. Harsh. K. Gupta President,
Geological Society of India
4 Message from the Director General, Geological Survey of India          Mr. Rajendra Singh Garkhal Director General,
Geological Survey of India,
5 Message from the Editorial member (International)          Dr. Suryasnata Rout Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht,
Institute for Materials Research. Geesthacht,
6 Preface          Dr. A.N. Reddy* and Prof. R. Nagendra v-vi
7 From the Desk of the Patron          Dr. B. Mishra vii-ix
8 From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief           Prof. A.P. Pradeepkumar x
Peer-reviewed Research articles

9. Sequence stratigraphy of a Post Rift sedimentary succession: An Example from Kachchh Basin,India Bhawani Singh G. Desai,
Suruchi Chauhan,
Anjali Choudhary
and Ajendra Singh
10. Impact stratigraphy–from crater filling to distalejecta David T. King, Jr.
and Lucille W. Petruny
12. A review of the sequence stratigraphy in the Petroleum industry Gargi Sen 19-23
13. Sequence depositional sedimentary succession Ariyalur area. model of of Cauvery Cretaceous Basin in R. Nagendra, A.N. Reddy
and Harry Gilberte
14. An Overview of the Fundamentals of Sequence Stratigraphy Nivedita Chakraborty 30-38
15. The concepts of magnetostratigraphy and its application in understanding the Earth process M. Venkateshwarlu 39-45
16. Seismic Stratigraphy: Concepts and Applications in Hydrocarbon Exploration R. Nagendra and A. Nallapa Reddy 46-65
17. Glossary of Sequence and Seismic Stratigraphy 66-69
18. Books on Fundamentals of sequence and seismic stratigraphy 70
19. Geo-Excellence Award Citation, 2021 71