Journal of Geointerface
A Bi-Annual Publication
Open Access National e-Journal
Guidelines To Authors
The research scholars, teaching staff and scientists of the Earth System Science (Earth, climate, planetary and Environmental sciences) departments/institutions ,desirous of participating in the activities of Journal of Geointerface are invited to contribute research articles within 6-8 pages (with at best 3-4 figures /photographs,2-3 tables) in font 11, Times New Roman letter in A4 size papers. The manuscripts are generally submitted to the Editor within March for the Vol.I, No.1 and September for the Vol.I , No.2 (biannual). The articles can be sent to the emails mentioned below. The authors are requested to follow our guidelines in order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience at our end. The research articles are generally invited from the eminent academicians and scientists on earth system science of our country and abroad. We also publish special volumes for the students and beginners in the field of research on Earth, Climate, planetary and Environmental Sciences collecting relevant articles from reputed scientists and academicians in the field of earth system science.